Saturday, October 30, 2010

Test Post

Testing to see if I can correctly create a blog post from my email since we will be unable to access in China.

Food bank, food baskets, Operation Christmas Child

$16.00 went to these 3 Charities.

Most were in conjunction with the kids' school donation projects.

The food bank donation was due to a request of the very strange cashier at the Dollar Tree.

Learning to cook good Chinese food

It's time to learn some yummy and easy to make Chinese recipes.  We love Chinese, well, American Chinese, but really don't know any good recipes.  We can make rice.

Two reasons Chinese recipes would be great.

1.  We will have a Chinese member of the family very soon.  (Obvious reason.)

2.  I think I am allergic to dairy.  Or highly intolerant.  Chinese cooking doesn't include dairy.

Article 5

Our "Article 5" was picked up Thursday and delivered to the CCAA (Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs).  I am not *exactly* sure what the Article 5 is, but what I do know is that we are almost done waiting.  Only travel approval from the CCAA is left and we should receive it in a few weeks!  Then we can go to China!

Time to start making lists and getting things checked off!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Approximately 8-11 weeks...

...until we go to China!  Oh my gosh!  I can not believe I am going to China!

We got an update on our girl last week with new pictures and some information.  Here is some of it.

"She enjoys being in the class and playing games with other children. She likes reading, drawing, singing and dancing. She is a lovely little girl."

Lions Club + Show Hope

Bought a raffle ticket from the local Lions Club for $2.

Purchased a Show Hope t-shirt to help this family with their adoption funds.

Most of my funds for donating right now are going in to a fund to purchase baby gifts for three pregnant women at work.  The gifts will be from all of us at work, not just from me, and all are needed.  In addition to helping these moms, I get to go shopping for baby items, which is always fun!  I am hoping we will have enough funds to get them something really nice that they need.