Thursday, June 23, 2011

June 22, 23

June 22

Water balloons
Mosquito bites all over despite using the spray

June 23

More water baloons
School lunch
PBS kids
More mosquito bites all over

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


This is my first post in an attempt to write about our summer.

Thursday was boys night since Allee was with my mom and Abri was at work.  We got a movie, candy and pop.  It was fun.

Friday was girls night since Colton was with my mom and Bradyn went to the movie with dad.  We made birthday cake milkshakes and watched a movie.  It was fun as well.

Saturday....I can't remember.  It was a regular home, work sort of day.  Abri and I did go for a drive and buy her a new swimsuit for camp.

Father's Day we drove up to take a tour of a dam.  We had been before, but last time there wasn't much water at all.  This time, it was everywhere.  Tim went out on the "splash deck" and got soaked.  It was pretty fun, though, against my better judgement we left without eating.  There really wasn't much for food available in the rural area where we went.  By the time we had taken the tour and found a grocery store deli we had eaten all the emergency snacks I keep in the car and were all super hungry.  At least the deli food was edible.

Yesterday's events are posted in the last post.  Except we did visit a park for a while as well, and also played at BK and got some swim stuff at Shopko (goggles, tube, life jacket) and new shoes for the littles (4 pair for under $20).

Today's big events were washing the van, running through the sprinkler for the littles, taking a warm bath after in the "big" tub, and then walking the mile to the store for ice cream and back.

Big girl is at Bible camp this week with her youth group.  Big boy is sometimes participating with the littles.

Pop on Car

I am the absent minded frazzled mom quite a bit of the time.

Yes, yesterday I took the kids to Burger King and I left my pop on top of my car.  I was so disappointed when I went to take a drink and it wasn't in the car.

Yes, I am also the mom who feeds her kids fast food on occasion.

However, all was not lost as I went to the bread outlet and got 10 loaves of multigrain bread, 5 packages of bagels, two boxes of donuts (for our camping trip), and one box of cookies (the kids were hungry), for only $16.  Not bad at all.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Spring Break at the Idaho Capitol

The Boys

The Girls

I cannot get this first photo to rotate correctly.  Sorry, you'll have to turn your head.

Abri and our neighbor who is like a sister. 

 Allee posing while playing her first game of miniature golf.

Allee on her first fishing trip.  You can tell she loved the fishing so much she hated to stop.  :)